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Registration Opens 4/10/22

Please review all instructions and information below before attempting to register. Be sure to use one of the following browsers when registering:


​Google Chrome (version 76 and above)

Safari for Mac (version 12 and above)

Microsoft Edge (version 79 and above)

Firefox (version 72 and above)


​REGISTRATION (Participants are responsible for own lodging, lunches and dinners. Breakfasts and snacks included. See below.)


$75 Student (18+) rate with valid current student ID.

$125 pre-register by May 9.

$135 if registering on site.




1) To register:


  • Go to this website's home page and click on the red Register Now button.

  • Complete the requested information regarding whether or not you are looking to share a room, suite or transportation from the Denver airport, including arrival time of your flight.  

  • PLEASE NOTE:  payment arrangement options are described in step 2) below.    


2) Pay with credit card or check (Note: additional donations above the cost of your registration in order to help others attend are welcome!):


  • To use a credit card (recommended; this payment method generates an instant receipt), CLICK HERE and complete the required information. You will receive a receipt via email. If you don't see the receipt in your inbox, check your spam folder.

  • You can also mail a check in the appropriate amount* made out to Adoption Search Resource Connection (please note "MAAIS Registration" in the memo section of the check and include your email address) to: 

  • Adoption Search Resource Connection (ASRC)

  • P.O. Box 24556

  • Denver, CO 80224

  • Click "Submit" to complete the transaction and generate your confirmation.



*Limited financial assistance is available through the generosity of fellow humans touched by relinquishment and adoption. Refund policy: Registration fees are not refundable, except in cases of documented health or family emergency. By registering for the Male Adoptee/Alumni Impact Summit, you agree to this refund policy.

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